Toddlers scaly in Malang Caused Genetic Abnormalities

Malang, skin disease makes the whole body 3.5-year-old baby,Rohim Rev.scaly, certain genetic disorders or diseases subordinates since birth.

It is known from the results of examinations conducted Kasembon Health Center medical team of the symptoms cause damage to skin tissue in infants living in the village of Hamlet Bocok Pondokagung Kasembon District,Malang Regency.

"Observations of disease due to abnormalities Rohim experienced subordinate, not an infection or other,"said Head of Malang Regency Health M.Fauzi told through his mobile phone on Thursday (08/04/2011).
He added,certainty is also known from the medical records when Rohim undergoing examination at the Hospital Dr.Saiful Anwar (RSSA) a year ago,namely the existence of genetic disorders Waryono couple's son (35) and Sulistyowati (26).
"There are abnormalities in the genetic and happens at birth,began to appear when Rohim aged 3-4 months,"said Fauzi.
Asked what steps are being taken to provide handling it,Fauzi claimed medical teams from health centers provide a number of Rohim nutritional intake in the hope that the disease could be challenged by experienced immune.
"Our efforts to form Rohim healthy body with adequate nutrition,in order to build up the immune body,"he said.
The move,said Fauzi,judged appropriate for a disease that is now eroding Rohim a subordinate disease.Related reference to the RSSA Malang,he continued,must wait for the entire administration process is complete health insurance filings.
Although there was a big obstacle in the process,namely the parents Rohim not listed as local residents.
"They are citizens of Natuna Island and the population here has not changed.It is a constraint in order to be able Jamkesda or jamkesma,"said Fauzi.
He said he had advised the parents Rohim to request recommendations from the village chief,to state if conditions family really could not afford. "To be used for treatment to the hospital, about the transport we have asked the district to facilitate this,"said Fauzi.
As reported,Rohim Revelation,3.5-year-old boy suffered a disease that makes it grow is different from other toddlers. The couple's son Waryono (35) and Sulistyowati (26),is almost all over the body scaly. Allegedly scales on the skin of infants is due to the damaged skin pigment.
But the disease the boy from the village of Hamlet Bocok RT03/RW02 Pondokagung Kasembon District,Malang regency,is not known for sure why.Because the disease suffered by Rohim never get serious treatment.

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