Can be transformed into an ancient TV Magic Box Internet

Only with a capital of one million dollars, the old analog television in the house can be transformed into the magic box to the Internet, Steaming video, music and radio, social networks, e-books, and play the game consoles Nintendo Wii style. The trick?

"The way is connect your TV to a smart box Speedup Audio Video connection on analog TV at home," said Rahmad Widjaja Sakti, Product Marketing Director of MLW Telecom to ITGazine, Friday (11/04/2011).

Nokia N9

Nokia N9,the last generation that MeeGo-based smart phones can now be booked users in Indonesia. n marketing the Nokia took one of the online trading site.

3 types of Nokia N9 each color Black,Magenta Cayman and has now been posted on the site sale. All three are priced at Rp 5,750.000,it includes a subscription for 6 months of data packets.

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