France Involved in the Civil War in Libya

A French writer in his book mentions the involvement of Paris in the civil war in Libya. Paris has been supplying weapons and military experts to Tripoli.

Xinhua on Tuesday (11/08/2011) reports,Bernard Henri Levy,author and expert on Libya in his new book,titled "War is not something the Beloved" (La Guerre Sans L aimer),writes about the French officials of involvement in supporting the Libyan revolutionary.Paris has sent troops and arms to various countries. Help the weapon into Libya via Qatar.

In the book explained that the month of April,French President Nicolas Sarkozy met secretly with General Younes,Military Commander of the Libyan Revolution.

Levy also mentioned Sarkozy's meeting with the Chairman NTC,Mustafa Abdel Jalil. During the meeting,Sarkozy agree upon the delivery of special forces France to Libya.
Sarkozy approved the delivery of French special forces to Libya.

Foreign Troops

Meanwhile,Chairman of the National Transitional Council,NTC,Mustafa Abdul Jalil rejected the idea for the placement of international military forces in Libya in any form.

Libya's UN representative,Ibrahim Dabbashi,told the BBC that the situation in Libya is unique.

"They (the UN) put the possibility of deploying peacekeepers on the ground but the fact that the crisis in Libya is unique," he added.

Earlier,Chairman of the National Transitional Council, NTC, Mustafa Abdul Jalil, confirmed it had held talks with NATO officials and the NTC decided not required of foreign troops in maintaining security in Libya.

"We'll risk it on the youth and we believe that gambling is going to win," he said.

However he warned Colonel Qadhafi is still not finished.

"The danger which threatens the revolution and the Libyan people still exist. Qadhafi has support and followers at home and abroad."

Until now the existence of Colonel Qadhafi is still unknown.

Meanwhile, UN special envoy to Libya, Ian Martin, said the UN estimates will be required police assistance to build Libya.

"We do not expect the demand for military observers," he said after a meeting of the UN Security Council.

"It is clear that Libya wanted to avoid any form of military deployment of the UN or the other."

While the Libyan government has given an ultimatum to Colonel Muammar Qadhafi support troops to surrender or face military force.

NTC chairman, Mustafa Abdul Jalil, said the ultimatum addressed to support Qadhafi Qadhafi in the hometown of Sirte, and also in other cities and lota.

In a press conference in Benghazi, Jalil said that if until Saturday, September 3 there is no 'indication of peace' of support troops Qadhafi to give up the military action will be decided.

British Foreign Secretary, William Hague, welcomed the determination of the time limit for Qadhafi to give up a support group.

"I think it's the right thing to say to the forces that are still loyal to Qadhafi regime remains that this is an opportunity to lay down arms, to consider the situation," quoted by Voice of America.

He added that the UN Sanctions Committee has received the British government's request to withdraw assets worth U.S. $ 1.55 billion in cash during the Libyan Dinar was detained in England.

That money, plus the Hague, can be used to help address humanitarian needs.

Announcement of the deadline to surrender diisampaikan Qadhafi forces after his wife and three children fled to Algeria Colonel Qadhafi.

NTC calls it as aggression against the Libyan people but the Algerian government asserted Qadhafi family accepted based on humanitarian grounds

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