Strange, It Got 2 pythons Foot and Crown

SUKABUMI-There are not familiar with the python in Sukabumi,West Java,this.The head and the tail has peculiarities when compared to a snake like.

Sanca weighing 150 kilograms of villagers belonging Nagrak west,South Nagrak Village,Sukabumi,it has two legs that are located near the tail.Also the crown of the head.

His manner was very strange because it mimics what humans do.He did not want to eat a meal of meat from animals that have not been slaughtered.

For nearly 20 years and his wife Heri Asep Saeful Saroh Wariem memilihara Kudjang snake named it as his own family.Kudjang also has become a friend and playmate for the five children Asep.

Asep claimed to have no fear of snakes eat a 6-meter."I am calm even when the kids play together Kudjang,"said Asep.

According to Asep, two legs at the tail end Kudjang be elongated if it moves. Also in his head like the cutting edge of weapons citizens of kudjang Sunda.This is the reason why python is named Kudjang bodo. Another anomaly there belly button that appears in the head.

Unlike other snakes,Kudjang actually afraid of a live chicken or a cat.Though the two were supposed to be a prey animal.

Asep claim to get this snake when he was hunting in the woods. There was no weirdness that he felt.It's just a desire to take care of snakes is very high. Whereas previously he had always sell or exploit if the snake encounter.

Lisna,Asep child who was only 5 years old, admitted to not be afraid to Kudjang. He loved as a friend or relative.

The owner who only work as casual laborers had no intention of selling the snake, although he admitted there are those who'd love to help make the cage that is currently too small.

The snake was considered a loyal friend and an entertainer for their children

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