Protests in Washington and New York Continues

Hundreds of protesters marched in Washington on Sunday (10/09/2011), protesting the U.S.government's intention to save the wealthy corporations,but ignore the people who are experiencing difficulties.

Demonstration by the movement called 'Occupying DC', ie groups of young activists who set up emergency headquarters on McPherson Square in the K Street since a week ago,showed signs berdatangannya grow with people from all over the country joined them in the capital.

More than 200 demonstrators marched to Freedom Plaza,near the White House, and while a second demonstration with the same number of protesters seen clustered toward Malcolm X Park in northwest Washington.

"There are many people in this country who can not afford to educate their children, while living in educated society. I do not want to live in third world countries," said Lana Ferree,a science teacher from Pennsylvania, as the site loaded Nine News.

"We do not need a big company, but a job. But the government is only thinking about Exxon and Wall Street," he added.

Page 'Occupying DC' states, the movement is done by copying the movement of 'Occupying Wall Street',with activists still continue camping in the park New York since 17 September.

Both groups were upset associated with an increasing imbalance in the United States, amid the global financial crisis.

"Our focus is on the economy,corporate corruption through the political system, and the negative effects of private companies,"said the pages 'Occupying DC',which has been deliberately avoided pointing spokesman.

Anthony Allen,38,a salesman and father of two children who live in Washington and has been at McPherson Square since Thursday, said, "facts which showed the U.S. economy is not running in the right direction",had led him to join in the protest.

"I've been waiting for this to happen during the last two years, because our system of government is not working," he said as he handed a flyer of information for newcomers to the McPherson Square.

"This is a group from anywhere.I've met a man who led some Wal-Mart stores and the staff, who will be kicked out of his apartment next week .."

President Barack Obama said Thursday that an anti-Wall Street in New York and elsewhere, is an expression of public anger and frustration of the inability of the bankers and the dying economy,with unemployment at 9.1 percent.

But Allen said the president is also to blame.

"I voted for Obama, but he gave us a bag of goods that are not the people around him who will deliver it,"added Allen,standing next to the protest banners that read "Welcome to the fall of America," referring to the revolution "Arab Spring "current

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