Law Treated with Clomid

Dar Al Ifta 'Al Mishriyah issued a fatwa on bolehnya used to overcome infertility clomid for women,with some reservations.Clomid is itself a medicine that contains hormones,which can help the process of fertilization,is taken from the urine of women who are over 40 years.

The fatwa on bolehnya treatment refers to things that are unclean, if not yet found the holy things that can replace it,and it is done on expert knowledge, as adopted by the Hanafi and Shafi'i.

A Hanafi scholar, Imam Ibn Abidin in Al Hasyiyah (4 / 215) quoting from author Al Hidayah, "Perhaps for people who are sick to drink urine and blood and carcasses for treatment,if Muslim doctor declared that in it there is no cure for him and he have not found it permissible to replace him. "

As Khatib Syarbini among Syafi'iyah As stated in Al-Mughni (4 / 234),"The antidote if mixed with The wine or the like of what is interfering him,then allowed him medical treatment if there is no case that can be used as medicine for her of what is sacred as treatment with unclean items such as snake meat and urine, although treatment with him to accelerate healing, provided that the information from the Muslim doctor just about it ... "

At Al Haitami in Tuhfah (9 / 170) also states,"As The wine blending premises of other drugs,it may be treated with it,as the use of the things that other unclean if he knew or was told by doctors that just about benefits, as well as demonstrating that there is no holy things that place. "

Based on the statements of the jurists,through muftinya Dr.Ali Gomaa declared bolehnya treatment with these drugs (clomid) on condition that the treatment was carried out by a doctor who just, who decided that after taking into account the influence of these drugs on the process of fertilization and the dangers posed if not treated with .And he is responsible before God for his decision.

The fatwa was itself issued in response to questions sent by prof. Wafa 'Unaimi, as published in the website of this institution,

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