Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims Ka'ba Fulfill

After the peak of the Hajj,Mosque was packed with pilgrims returning.They perform Tawaf Wada or Farewell Tawaf before returning to the country respectively.

Despite the apparent fatigue due to overcrowding,pilgrims seemed happy to fulfill their dreams,that meet the five pillars of Islam,the Hajj,as quoted MCH from ArabNews,Thursday (11/10/2011).

Turkish Women Age 109 Year Return Hajj

Obligatory pilgrimage for Muslims who can afford.But,who would have thought a woman was finally finished 109 pilgrimage that takes a lot of physical strength, mental and material.

Leyla is Ozlahlan,a 109-year-old Turkish woman,was glad just finished performing the five pillars of Islam this year.

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