Do a survey of Zionist Israel in the U.S. Imaging

Israel's supporters among the voters in the United States rose to 60 percent, the highest since 2009,according to poll results released on Sunday (11.13.2011), Xinhua reported.

Improved support for Zionist Israel was partly due to the Palestinian attitude being assessed to avoid peace negotiations and unilaterally declared the country through the submission of a full membership at the United Nations.

The supporters of Zionist Israel reportedly came from the "elite" (67 percent), which is seen by education level,income level and knowledge of foreign policy.

Support from the Democratic Party sympathizers against Zionist Israel rose 10 percent since June 2011.Support for Israel from the Republican Party sympathizers and Independent groups also tend to be stable.

The poll was conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research-related projects are initiated by Public Opinion Strategies of The Israeli Project,a nonprofit organization that claims to provide factual information about Israel and the Middle East.

As many as 68 percent of respondents called Israel as "one of our strongest allies" and as much as 66 percent to portray Israel as the country's "democratic". Respondents who disagreed Zionist Israel is referred to as "extremist" or "responsible for violence" as much as 63 percent.

Meanwhile, respondents who regard the Palestinians as "extremists" and "barrier peace" as much as 56 percent.And 55 percent of respondents think the Palestinians "are not victims" of Israeli occupation.

When asked to give reasons why the respondents' U.S. proud to be Israel's strongest ally ", as many as 28 percent you select a" right woman "as the reason, 28 percent said" freedom of speech and choose "as the reason and 24 percent said" freedom of religion and terrorist threats "as the reason.

Related two-state solution, as many as three quarters of respondents support the idea of ​​"Israel as a Jewish homeland village" and "Palestine as a Palestinian homeland".

The poll was conducted through telephone interviews of 800 people aged 18 to 65 who registered as voters in elections from the date of October 30, 2011.

The results of this poll was released a few days after news emerged about a personal comment from French President Nicolas Sarkozy and U.S. President Barack Obama, the Prime Minister of Israel complained and called Sarkozy as a liar and not confirmed in lanngsung by Obama. And recent days, occupied the White House issued a statement that their president is serious about cooperation with Israel. Read the previous news

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