Running a vampire bat can reach speeds of 5.4 miles per hour (or 2.4 meters per second

During this bat is known as an animal that can fly and suck blood. But this blood-sucking bats also have the ability to run above ground. This makes the advantages of vampire bats in targeting prey.

The study also found that these bats can be run with four 'legs', which consists of two legs and two arms that could be developed into wings.

Bats are the only mammals that can fly. During this time, researchers thought the bat stopped running for a long time,as a result of the evolutionary process is done. If it looks like running,it was just like a fish 'jump' out of the water.

Researchers from Cornell University, Daniel Riskin,said the ability of vampire bats is useful to pursue a relatively small animal. Types of animals are animals that do not sit down quickly,including during meals.

The problem, in general it is rare vampire bat chasing small animals. Instead, this vampire bats prefer cattle, especially those that spread from Mexico to Argentina and Chile, in the last few hundred years.

In the laboratory,Riskin said, vampire bats are made all the animals as prey has sucked. However,in the wild,these bats prefer cattle. Typically, these cows were targeted at night, which is bedtime for the animals.

"The cow is a prey to the youngest,"Riskin said, as quoted from page Live Science.

The ability to run the vampire bat is not so useful to ambush the cows to sleep. This is also why researchers are not concerned about the ability to run this bat.

Researchers have discovered that vampire bats leg is stronger than any other bat. Leg strength is the cause of these bats are also capable of crawling and jumping. As published in the journal Nature on March 17, Riskin wrote: "The vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) can walk forward,sideways, backwards,and began flying with a vertical leap."

Seeing that ability,the researchers then tested the ability to run any bat and trying to document them. The bat was then placed in a Plexiglas cage with a treadmill.

In the initial velocity,bat it runs at the same rate as mice. However, when the treadmill continues to run, bat it, too, picking up speed. Recorded at least these bats have the ability to run 2.7 miles per hour (or 1.2 meters per second).

"Bats have a little room to maneuver to move twice as fast," said Riskin. This means, vampire bats can reach speeds of 5.4 miles per hour (or 2.4 meters per second).

Researchers call the ability of the bat's motion running. Therefore, "it has the aerial phase."

With the ability of motion which is only used to prey on livestock,Riskin then consider bats evolved too fast. "As they are designed to pursue a racing car, but they use it to catch the school bus."

Despite having only a body the size of an adult thumb, but the stretch of vampire bats can reach 8 inches. During this time, make horse vampire bats, pigs, birds as well as prey.However,this type of Desmodus rotundus is more hooked to prey on cattle.

Bats are animals which have a heat sensor to locate the pulse. Therefore,with its sharp teeth, blood was sucked automatically, without having thoroughly aspirated.

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