Apparently, the British Special Forces rebels Libyan Aids

British Army special forces, according to the Daily Telegraph reports, is currently in Libya to help the rebels seeking the country's ruler, Muammar Qadhafi.

According to Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper reports, a number of British troops in Libya since some of this week to help the rebels in the North African country. Subsequently it was reported that British special forces played a key role in coordinating the raid on Tripoli. British troops were said to be dressed like a rebel and use the same weapon. Similarly, the Daily Telegraph quoted British defense ministry environment.

In various television interviews on Thursday morning (25/08/2011),UK Defence Secretary, Liam Fox would not comment on the report directly.

He just expressed, "Last night NATO is more active with his attacks on various central command and control regime than previous days. British military involved. "

According to official information, English only provide air support and intelligence information.But Defense Minister Fox confirmed that the British military advisers assigned to assist rebels in the communications and logistical support and command structure.

When asked if he planned delivery of British ground troops, Fox replied: "No. When the ground troops needed to stabilize the situation, then you should Arab countries or the African Union to send troops. There should be a settlement from Libya to the problem. If you need help,should be sought from the region and not from the west, if it concerns long-term developments in Libya. "

UK Defence Secretary insisted that he saw the power of Qadhafi ended, though not unknown, where he now resides.Fox expressed regret that the UN Security Council session in New York regarding Libya on Thursday (25/08/2011), South Africa rejected the proposal Qadhafi thawing of the frozen assets for the benefit of the transitional government: "I think this is very unfortunate and wrong. When South Africa said that the Council recognizes the transition is no longer neutral, then one should see the fact that the Libyans themselves who have decided to freedom and to determine its own future. "

Qadhafi militia surrounded

Meanwhile, in the streets of Tripoli are still sounding the crossfire between rebels and supporters of Qadhafi.NATO continues its air attacks Thursday evening in Tripoli. Airport capital also successfully controlled by the rebels after fierce protests from the army Qadhafi.

Until the report revealed, rebels seek Qadhafi at the branch in the vast bunker system. They find the center of the system settings and vehicles inside the bunker. In the area of ​​Abu Salim,Tripoli about 1,000 rebels besieged a number of buildings Qadhafi militia hideout. Also in certain regions reported the battles new

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