In general, improvements in mobile phone software, there are 4 categories of action, namely:1.Set To Factory Default / Master ResetThe way these improvements is to return all phone settings to the initial regulatory as a new phone out of the factory. This improved method does not go through the process of flashing but will only do the Reset to all phone settings. This process will result in the user data will be lost, you should do a data backup first.Repair method that resolves the problem:
My phone is requesting a security code (Phone Lock)
User data to the Flash IC is too full
Setting error
Mobile phones in living conditions, there is no problem when booting
Disaaat connected to Flasher Box, status Local phone mode (displayed on the LCD)
1.Format User AreaBasically in the IC flash phone not only saved the Operating System only. The phone user data such as: Data Gallery (Photo, Ringtones, Image), phone book, SMS, Games, Applications, etc.. All data is stored in the IC flash too, if these data are corupt or problematic it will affect the kenerja phone, what more when it becomes infected with viruses, so the phone becomes heavy performance even Hank. By doing Format User Area, the phone can be fresh again but the risk of all user data will be lost.Repair method that resolves the problem:
Blank / failure to boot
Infected Virus
Application Crashes
User data is too full
Disaaat connected to Flasher Box, status Local phone mode (displayed on the LCD)
1.FlashDamage to the phone software is needed reprogramming to fix it, any symptoms of damage may be caused by damage to the troubled mobile phone operating system. How to repair this is by erasing all data stored in the IC Firmware Flash Mobile, and then rewritten using the new firmware and in accordance with the mobile phone. Delete and write process is called flashing or so-called Flash.Phones that do not have a choice of Indonesian can be converted into the Indonesian language, do not by adding the language but by way of flashing, ie remove all the Firmware stored in the phone and then rewrite the existing firmware Indonesian language.Repair method that resolves the problem:
Total death
Blank / failure to boot
Blink white screen
Failure bluetooth function
Contact service
1ST Boot OK
All Flash IC were detected with either
1.Full Flash (EEPROM + Area)Often issues such Software: Contact Service, Blank Nokia, Hank, White Screen, etc. that can not be handled by ordinary means such as Flashing Flashing Firmware (MCU & PPM), because the phone is not just a Software Performance MCU and PPM only, there are some sectors that will The phone supports the performance of which PM (Permanent Memory). PM programmed in the phone EEPROM (electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory), on a Nokia this time in the EEPROM is in Emulate Flash IC. In PM this stored data information phone that has been programmed by the manufacturer vendors such as: the parameter signal, IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier), Security Code, ESN (Electronic Serial Number), MIN (Mobile Identification Code), SID (System Identification Code), etc.There are specific ways in the repair area of the EEPROM Nokia phone, before flashing the MCU and PPM Custom Errase need to do beforehand, Custom Errase used to delete data Flash IC in a specific address or delete the whole data Flash IC. Custom Errase Through this we can remove the EEPROM area Mobile (PM). Once the process is completed next PM Erasing Flash MCU and PPMnya. Next we rewrite using the File PM EEPROMnya according to the type of cell phone. If you do not have the File PM The phone, you can backup from a normal phone in a way Read PM from the same phone Typenya. Until this step Normal phones will not even phone will reject the simcard, it will not get a signal because the network status is locked, or Contact Service. This is caused because the phone in a locked status, the phone has been written Pmnya need to be adjusted to the cell phone and do the unlock process, then you need to do Unlock.Procedure:
1ST Boot OK
All Flash IC were detected with either
Before doing Errase, are required to backup: RPL / Certificate and AM in Full.
Causes of security 1.Permasalahan Nokia BB5 Nokia BB5 Security damage can be caused by several factors
factor of deliberation, usually caused by mobile phones that have been done resulted Full errase the security area erased.
Dikabatkan because write PM / reprogramming the eeprom area (Write PM Full)
Network and SIM lock (SP Lock) are locked by vendors such as Vodafone, T-Mobile, etc.. Usually the phone like this that come from overseas with key locked on a network.
Unlock procedure caused by imperfect
Replacement RAP or NOR Flash.
Problems that may result from several factors above, plus other faktor2 (Hardware damage), the result will be the same. Such as: Contact service, Phone Restricted, Not Valid driver's license, Contact Retailer, Watchdog effect (3 minutes off), the problem is caused due to faulty security.
Whatever the symptoms of damage caused due to security are problematic, including:
IMEI, should not be damaged good, IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) is stored in NOR Flash. If broken then the security problem. IMEI? That is by way of info on the flasher box or by pressing * # 06 #. IMEI good traits, will be in accordance with the IMEI in the Back Casing, while damaged will display the IMEI number 12,345,610,654,321.
IMEI: 357062-00-416456-1 (depending hpnya IMEI number) -> Valid Imei (Normal)
IMEI: 12345610654321? -> Imei corrupted
SIM Lock data, should be normal. Whether or not the SIM Lock data can be determined by looking at the info. In the process info will read the IMEI and SIMLOCK data.
Usually when a normal Simlock will display the provider (Finland, Vodafone, etc.) that indicates that the normal SIMLOCK. Data stored on the SIM Lock data PM in Sector 308. Poor usually config keynya FFFFFF and providernya unknownproviders.
1.Autorisasi SX4, SX4 Authorization Security is a security that is used to make changes to protected areas of PM, after authorization of the smartcard SX4 must end with write PM on Field 1 and 309. Condition SX4/otorisasi SX4 can succeed, if SIMLOCK data nice and IMEI (Valid), where one is broken then the SX4 will not work. How to determine whether the SX4 Authorization is necessary or not (with notes and imei simlock data must be valid) is by way of a self-test with a flasher box:Suppose we get a case of service Contact or Contact Retailer, when the info, IMEI good, SIMLOCK nice but the phone is still problematic. We can know it through the selftest, we see where the problem through a self-test readings, when ST_SECURITY_TEST Failed means that the problems on the SX4, SX4 and then we just did write PM containing field 1 and 309 only. If you do Write Full PM, not included in Field 308, because it would menimpah back SIMLocknya, except when using a file backup of PM from mobile phone.
The key to analyzing the security damage can be known through two ways: Read info and self-test.
Info and selftest facilities already available in every Flasher Box Nokia in the market, with the exception that has not been installed Tornado UFS HWK. Through this facility we can get much information in it, so it will be easier to determine the process step.Through this facility we can find out the IMEI info and status of the SIM Lock Phone. Self Test facility while the more information we can know, although the analysis software which we always look at only two points only, namely ST_SIM_LOCK_TEST and ST_SECURITY_TEST, while the other to determine the damage to the hardware.Mobile phones can be in the Info Terms and self-test, first phone must be Local Mode FBUS cable while being connected to the phone.
================================================== ================1.Langkah what to do if it gets damaged IMEI problems (12,345,610,654,321?)Answer:A. If the security before the damage occurred, we have done backup RPL or Certificate, we need to do is write or restore files that RPL or Certificate.B. But if we do not have the RPL files backed up, then we must calculate ASK to RPL.================================================== =============1.Apabila phone IMEI is not problematic but in the SIM Lock or SP area is corupt / damaged, what steps need to be done?A. If you have the Backup PM file, you just write it again in a way to include write PM Field 308.B. If we do not have the Backup PM file, we can do a Repair Zone SL using special software such as: BB5 King, Prince BB5, BB5 Sultan, etc..2. ================================================== ================================================== =========What if an empty SIM Locknya /:SL Conf: 0000000000000000SL Stat: 0000000000000000SL Count: 00 00Provider: not foundAnswer:A. We are no longer able to outsmart this issue, like it or not we need to ASK to RPL.3. ================================================== ================================================== ========What if we have a file or a Certificate RPL Backup outcome of these phones, but do not have the PM file from the backup of cell phone?A. File RPL or Certificate results from the Backup, can only improve the IMEI only. RPL is not able to return the SIM Lock or SP data area.4. ================================================== ================================================== ========What if we have the PM file but do not have backup Backup RPL / Certificate?A. By writing or restore the PM, we can only return the SIM Lock data, not able to restore IMEI.1.Seperti what RPL file ASK to RPL Calculation results?A. File RPL is that we take from the server, this data contains the IMEI and SIM Lock data, RPL file consists of the NPC (Nokia Public Certificate) which contains a very complete data security, including: Public ID, IMEI, Product Code, Bluetooth ID, etc..B. By doing ASK to RPL via the Nokia server, security damage that heavy cell phone can be resolved properly though, since this RPL file can handle the missing SIM Lock (no) and IMEI damaged.ASK to RPL calculation process is actually a process of fetching (data retrieval) from a server owned by Nokia based on RAP Public IDs that we send the ASK file when the read ask the flasher box. The data retrieved from the server Nokia is collected in a file with RPL. So a lot of data captured in the RPL file from Nokia this server, but we need to know, among others, the RPL file that contains data fetching IMEI and Simlock data in accordance with the RAP Public IDs that we send the file ask.Example:Ask us to send the file containing the RAP Public: 083000049DA94F57E6294AD98C967F5258BC5786Then later on the Nokia server will look for the IMEI and Simlock data (and also other data) for Public ID 083000049DA94F57E6294AD98C967F5258BC5786 and send it in RPL fileSo the Nokia BB5 ASK to RPL is used to get the RPL file that will be used to repair or Simlock Imei and the corrupted data / corrupted / empty.1.Apakah we can perform calculations directly into the ASK to RPL Server Nokia?A. We can not directly send the file ask and ask for RPL file to the Nokia server. Fortunately there are those 3rd party link us with the Nokia server. 3rd Party include:
GT Server
Universal Box
Ask to RPL process is not free, the 3rd party credit system is usually applied to this process. So will we buy credit in advance, will be using the services of ASK to RPL the 3rd Party. The number and price varied for each 3rd partynya.What if we have been doing phone Write RPL but security is still problematic?
Nokia BB5 phones require the writing of PM Field (1) and (308). To do this is by doing SX4/PMMAuth, before writing PM. But as long as we do SX4 phones should be in a state of local mode, and not off the flasher box before the operation is completed.
There are several problems that can be solved by downgrade first and then write RPL, SX4, and Write PM, then flash again with the version above.
How do we get the area of PM field 1 and field 308?
If we use software that does not have the facilities SX4 (eg UFS HWK / Micro), we can use the PM results from Backup file from another phone (same type) with backup from phone records that are still normal. Then remove the area 308, by opening the file am using NotePad (on Windows software), then save and then input (write PM) to the mobile phone. If we do not eliminate the area 308, mobile phone SIM Lock will be closed again or mobile phone security will be returned damaged.
Or we can include Field 1 and 308 only, then do as the above step. (Here we include only the Field 1 and 308 without the other field)
What is the SX4 or PMM Auth? A.SX4 card is a smartcard from Nokia that is usually given to the authorized technician levels of certain Nokia. Smart Card is used with FPS10, PPS8 to Calculate RPL and Password authorization to provide Mobile, by way of opening the area of PM and write PM Field 1 and 309.SX4 card has its own functions one of which is to authorize the SX4 / authorization PMM. Due to the price of the SX4 smartcard is a very expensive and probably too hard to get the goods, then a lot flasher box that emulates the smartcard SX4 is on their servers and implement features of the SX4 Auth / Auth PMM software flasher on their box so that when users use SX4 Auth / Auth PMM flasher on the software box, then the software will be accessing the smartcard tersebeut that has been Emulate on their servers. Therefore, on the SX4 Auth / Auth PMM requires an internet connection. Flasher box that has the features of the SX4 Auth / Auth PMM include: JAF, UB, MXKEY, MT-Box, unfortunately do not have HWK fasilitar SX4.2.Mengapa we have to do the SX4?A.SX4 serves to change or rewrite the PM area. SX4 calculate the password for the phone. Because nokia protect PM at the field area (1) and (309). If we need to write these fields we have to do the SX4.3.Apa course requirements do SX4?4.Bagaimana if the phone is still Contact Service, Contact Retailer security area but was not problematic?A. The damage could have been caused because the hardware it is problematic, often caused by hardware problems ASICs Energy Menegement (retu, TAHVO). damage from RAP can also lead to Contact ServiceB. Data Network (Band Lock) with problems can allow these phones Contact Service. As an example we have a 5200 phone Contact Service, we Read Certificate using UFS or the Universal Box software, check the CCC_ data_X and HWC_DATA_X data is data that stores Band Lock or hold the phone network. For data such HWC_DATA_X RPL CCC_DATA_X and you can take from other phones that one type but in normal circumstances, and entries on the mobile contact service then the phone will return to normal, if the contact service problem is indeed caused from bandlock.
Conditions such as whether if we do need to make the process of ASK to RPL?
Imei Corrupt / Damaged (do not have a file backup RPL)
Simlock empty data / config key = 0000000000
Repair Simlock data successfully but HP still watchdog (die after about 3 minutes)
Write RPL 2.Dapatkah we perform using a USB cable, not the FBUS?A. Absolutely not, because to do so phone must be in a state of the Flash Mode or Local Mode.cOl.jams is offline
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