British PM calls most of the people of England experienced a mental disorder with riot

Riots in the UK has spread to Manchester. No fewer than seven cities hit by riots and looting action. To prevent the further extent of the unrest, Prime Minister David Cameron claimed the British police should get additional equipment.

Encouragement from the government that makes the British police took the attitude of using water cannons to dispel the rioters in several cities.

"We will take every action to restore order, including the use of water cannon. Anticipating the use of water cannon equipment is going through a notice 24 hours in advance. We need to hit back and a backlash is underway," Mr Cameron said the Prime Minister as reported in the Associated Press website,Wednesday,August 10,2011.

According to Cameron, the behavior of the rioters,including several children, shows some of the people of England suffered a nervous breakdown. He was determined not to let the culture of violence grow in the streets of Britain.
Cameron made the statement about a crackdown after an emergency meeting with the police, who called the Cobra meeting. He said the continuing violence clearly unacceptable and must cease immediately.

"We've seen the worst in England, but I'm sure we've seen the best in the UK, millions of people who claimed at Facebook to support the police and join together in cleaning operations," he said.

To date, about 800 rioters have been arrested in London.In fact,London opened the courtroom for 24 hours to conduct legal proceedings against the suspects.

"Any person found guilty would be jailed," he said. A number of Britons complaining about the police action against the rioters who are not firmly so that the riot occurred up to four nights in a row beturut and spread far from its current location in Tottenham,north London.
In Manchester,in a press statement on Wednesday morning, Assistant Chief
Manchester Konstabulari Garry Shewan said he witnessed the most horrific circumstances throughout his career. Garry also confirmed that all those involved will be prosecuted.

"Today we have started the process of catching those who are caught on CCTV pictures and other media. And my message is, we have hundreds of photos, we capture your face,as well as your criminal actions via CCTV," he said.
A total of 113 people have been arrested in Manchester and Salford, which is located on the outskirts of Manchester.Areas in northern England was most recently hit by rioting and looting, which started since last Saturday.

While in the area around Birmingham,as many as 109 people were arrested. Of that total,23 of whom have been convicted in connection with the riots in Birmingham, Wolverhampton and West Bromwich.

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