Shia and Misconceptions defenders

IN his article in Reuters (27/01/2012),brother Haidar Bagir again responded rebuttal article written by Muhammad Baharun and me with the title "Once Again, Shiites and Religious Harmony (Response to Baharun and Idris Muhammad Salim), (Republika,27 January 2012).Previously,should be submitted,in every munazharah (scientific debate) need there is a code of ethics (adabul baths).And one of the code of ethics that is always my grasp of Al-Azhar of Egypt, my alma mater - is a rule which states ,"in Kunta naqilan fa'alayka wa bil-shihhat in Kunta mudda'iyan fa'alayka bi-d-proof" (if you're quoting an opinion,then it should actually be verified and if you indict it must bring in proof).

In this context, Haidar wrong. When mentioning the one-two indictments or excerpts,he did not mention the source of much less verify their validity. So please be tolerated. Did not mean arbitrary, but obey the code of ethics, which may be interpreted another. This is different from the Salaf have mentioned that the sanad complete trust,and the task of further research to verify its truth.

MTA dissolved in recitation of the Holy

Day Saturday,January 28, 2012,at Holy dissolution study reported Tabligh Akbar Al Quran Tafseer Assembly (MTA),the number of people calling themselves Youth NU, they also berated and called the MTA astray. In an interview with Sunday 29 / 1,the MTA board on Centre Street Ronggowarsito (front Mangkunegaran) explained that it was "slandered".

In his office met, Secretary Yoyok Mugiyanto MTA board and accompanied by other terraces describes the actual chronology of events.

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