Harvard College No Longer the Best in the United States

Harvard University is no longer the best campuses in America.The number one position was occupied by William College.
Similarly,a list of the best campuses in the United States to a degree leading business magazine,Forbes.The list is sort 650 undergraduate level educational institutions.

In compiling its ranking, Forbes focused on things that are important to students, namely the quality of teaching,good career prospects,graduation rates,and debt levels. Unlike other rankings,Forbes ignore the "reputation" campus.

Forbes ranked him as a consumer.Basically the question is whether useful if the lecture up to a quarter million dollars or equivalent to Rp 2 billion more for a bachelor's degree?
These ratings are processed by the Central College Strength and Productivity in Washington DC which is a think tank formed by Ohio University economist Richard Vedder.
There are five general categories for this ranking,the success of its graduates, which conducted an evaluation of their salary and benefits by 30 percent alumni. Then,the satisfaction of students which includes the assessment of professors and students a new level of longevity and level two,with the composition of the assessment by 27.5 percent.
In addition, Forbes is also considering a debt in which the penalty assessment provided the campus to students who have high debt (17.5 percent), the number of students who graduated within four years (17.5 percent),and competitive awards, namely the assessment to campus who won prestigious scholarships like the Rhodes, Marshall,and Fulbright (7.5 percent).Similarly,as quoted by Forbes,Friday (8/5/2011).

In the first ranking, Forbes ranked Williams College. Small campus located in the state of Massachusetts was crowned as the best institution for a degree in America. Liberal arts schools are allowed to charge tuition of up to $ 55 thousand, equivalent to Rp466 million (Rp8.487 per USD) per year.

With the cost of tuition is not cheap, graduation rates for the four-year college on this campus are among the highest in the land of Uncle Sam. In addition, the campus won many prestigious national scholarships,such as Rhodes and Marshall.Not only that,graduates are often 'rewarded' with a high salary.

In the second place,occupied by Princeton University.Special,students on campus are located in the state of New Jersey is nothing owed. This is thanks to the most generous program of financial assistance that exist in America.
Because of the emphasis on the Forbes financial, military college that does not charge tuition, is ranked third.Two years ago,the West Point U.S.Military Academy at the top. Despite the fall,West Point is worth considering as an impressive lecture activities (in rank 3) and salaries of graduates is high (at rank 8).
Meanwhile, public universities that rank highest are the University of Virginia (ranked 46) followed by the College of William and Mary (ranked 49) and UCLA (ranked 55).
Here's a list of 10 best campuses in the United States (state and private) Forbes:

1. Williams College. Liberal arts schools are allowed to charge tuition of up to $ 55 thousand, equivalent to Rp466 million (Rp8.487 per USD) per year.Number of students reached 2141 people.
2. Princeton University. Total tuition per year to reach USD52.715 (Rp447 million) by the number of students reaching 7592 people.
3. West Point United States Military Academy.Lectures on campus is free.Number of students reached 4621 people.
4. Amherst College.Tuition is located in Massachusetts for USD54.322 (Rp461 million) per year by the number of students 1744.
5. Stanford University. The cost of tuition for USD55.918 (Rp474 million) per year by the number of students 18 498 people.
6. Harvard University. The cost of college campuses located in Massachusetts for USD53.950 (Rp457 million) per year by the number of students 27 651 people.
7. Haverford College.The cost of tuition for USD55.632 (Rp472 million) per year by the number of students as much as 1190 people.
8. University of Chicago.The cost of tuition for USD57.590 (Rp488 million) per year by the number of students 15 094 people.
9. M.I.T.with tuition fees for USD53.210 (Rp451 million) per year. Number of students on campus are located in Massachusetts has reached 10,384 people.
10. U.S.Air Force Academy. For college on campus,located in Colorado,not charged or free.Number of students reached 4620 people.

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