Act 150 Follower NASA Space Launch Aircraft

NASA invited 150 followers Twitter account is fortunate to attend the launch of the Juno spacecraft to the planet Jupiter.This is the first time the agency (U.S.) is inviting the public to launch the space shuttle.
Quoted from PR Newswire, Tuesday (08/02/2011), scheduled to launch Juno implemented on August 5 at 8:34 am U.S.time,from the center of the space shuttle launch Kennedy Space Center in Florida.


Juno who will start the mission over the past five years,are expected to arrive at Jupiter in 2016.Once there,Juno will investigate the gas content, atmosphere and the aurora that surrounds the planet.Color camera on the Juno Jupiter will later submit a photo close-ups, including details of the first detailed form of the poles of the planet.
More than 1,200 people from about 5,000 followers @ NASA signed up to participate to witness the launch of Juno.The 150 participants were randomly selected NASA representing 28 countries,including Colombia,Canada,Finland,Norway,Spain and the UK.
The participants will later be sharing their experience in the launch via Twitter. NASA itself will also be broadcast tweet when the participants the opportunity to talk with the Chief Scientist, NASA's Waleed Abdalati, Juno Science Team Member Toby Owen,Fran Bagenal and Dave Stevenson,and still many other important NASA.
Fun,participants will also be invited to tour the Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral.To follow tweetup participants'experience,can follow the hashtag # NASATweetup. Juno mission also were followed in

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